Tuesday 11 October 2016

Computer Science Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering

Looking for the easiest way to understand the Computer Science & Engineering???
Here we go! Simple…. (Computer + Science + Engineering)
Today we are rushing towards the computerization and modernization in our entire social, professional, occupational, defense and many other activities.
Frankly we should say.
Computer is now an essential part of our life and needs.
But, why??
It is mainly because of the error free and fast operation, and no need to keep hard store and transport the data. “Your time is in your one click”.
All the information about any computable problem can be represented using only 0 and 1 (or any other bi stable pair that can flip-flop between two easily distinguishable states, such as "on/off", "magnetized/DE-magnetized", "high-voltage/low-voltage", etc.).
Computer Science & Engineering is one of the most soughed disciplines of engineering and is the practical and scientific approach to its application.
“Computer Science & Engineering involves the design and understanding of computational process and computer.”
computer science & engineering image

Courses & Duration

In Computer Science & Engineering the student will go through the algorithms, programming languages, operating systems, database management systems, computer network, computer graphics and artificial intelligence.
You can choose the Computer Science & Engineering, once you have completed your 10 or 10+2 examination.
The academic criterion of Computer Science & Engineering is divided into three courses/programmed as follows:
  1. Diploma courses leading to the polytechnic diploma of 3 years duration.
  2. UG courses leading to the B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) degree of 4 years duration.
  3. PG courses leading to the M.Tech (Master of Technology) degree of 2 years duration.
Beside these, it is one of the broad research fields leading to the PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) degree.
After the completion of 10th standard, you are only eligible to enter the diploma courses.
Once you have done the 12th standard you are fully eligible to choose the UG (B.Tech) programmed.
For entering in Computer Science & Engineering, either in diploma or UG, mathematics & science are the compulsory and has to be in qualifying examination.
For entering in PG (M.Tech) programmed, B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering is must.
So now, you have a complete package of education in Computer Science & Engineering after 12th upto research programmed.

Jobs & Career

After the completion of your degree in Computer Science & Engineering, you can work in the field of database management, embedded systems, IT, telecommunication, multimedia, computer hardware & software implementation, computer hardware & software maintenance, gaming, web designing and other related industries.
It is a broad field to work in private and government sector as well.
Here are some reputed firms which require the computer science engineers whenever:
  • TCS
  • Infosys
  • Wipro
  • HCL
  • Accenture
  • Cognizant
  • Microsoft
  • IBM
  • Adobe
  • Google
  • Accenture
  • Cisco
  • Oracle
  • Sun Microsystems
  • Yahoo
  • Tech Mahindra
  • Info gain


IT sector is the higher salary provider sector. A fresher can get the initial package of 3 lakh per annum to4 lakh per annum in India. In abroad, he can get the salary in six figures.